For any outdoor adventure, whether camping or hanging out in your backyard, you should always protect yourself with insect repellent. This is especially important if you are traveling to a country where malaria and other diseases are spread by mosquitoesaccording to the CDC, which recommends that you use only insect repellents approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. For children, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises using insect repellents containing no more than 30 percent DEET or others approved by the EPA.
To help you narrow down your search for the best insecticide, we tested more than 20 DEET-free wipes, lotions, sprays, and insect repellents from different brands in the sweltering heat of South Florida.
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When you live in a place where it’s so hot that you start sweating as soon as you open your back door, adding an extra layer of pantyhose isn’t an option. Cutter Dry Insect Repellent is by far the best insect repellent in terms of feel.
The aerosol nozzle sprays widely and evenly and the formula dries almost instantly on your skin. You don’t have to rub this spray on your skin at all.
The bottle says unscented, but Cutter Dry has a slight odor. It’s not overwhelming like many other sprays, though, and certainly not intolerable.
Made with 10% DEET, this insect repellent will do its job in most environments. I would consider taking something stronger, like a 20 or 30% DEET repellent, for backcountry adventures in buggy environments.
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If you prefer to avoid aerosol sprays, Proven is an excellent picaridin-based pump spray insect repellent. Picaridin is a synthetic compound derived from piperine, a chemical compound found in the black pepper family of plants. It’s not as smelly as DEET and, according to some research, picaridin is just as effective at repelling insects as DEET.
The tried and true picaridin pump spray is the only one I found to be truly odorless in my testing. I probably would have looked crazy to passersby if they saw me smelling my skin and clothes to smell this stuff.
For a pump spray, its texture is not bad. Plus, it’s quite light and I only had to rub it a little bit. It was absorbed quickly. Of all the insecticides I have used in my life, this was the first time I tried Proven, and I will probably purchase it in the future.
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For those who want to avoid chemicals altogether, lemon eucalyptus insect repellent is a gentler way to repel insects and their bites. I tried different lemon eucalyptus bug sprays and Natrapel came out on top.
Free of both chemicals proven to repel insects, it’s natural to think that this bug spray isn’t as effective as its DEET or picaridin-containing counterparts. THE CDC And EPA recognize lemon eucalyptus oil as an effective insect repellent. The Natrapel bottle says it provides up to six hours of protection versus the eight to 12 hours typical of DEET and picaridin products.
Regardless, if you don’t mind applying more often, Natrapel’s aerosol or pump spray is a good option. Despite the fact that the active ingredient is an oil, this bug spray is not as oily as one might expect. It’s slightly harder to apply than DEET and picaridin sprays, but it’s not bad overall. Both types of bottles are easy to spray. Plus, the smell is pleasant (if you like lemon eucalyptus).
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I’m obsessed with these Sawyer Permethrin Bug Repellents. I sprayed all my fabric patio furniture and the tarp covering my home gym equipment. Permethrin is an insect repellent designed for clothing and equipment. It should not be used on the skin or on clothing when you are wearing it. Seriously, follow the safety instructions.
Permethrin aerosol creates a broad, even, rapid spray. I coated my outdoor furniture with it easily in seconds. The pump spray is less practical but still good.
Although the bottles state that the product is odorless, I noticed a slight odor when using the sprays. It smelled the same as spray paint but much less potent. These bottles are not something I would want to travel with – they are rather large – so I recommend spraying your gear before heading out on a camping or other outdoor adventure.
Sawyer Permethrin Spray lasts up to six weeks or six washes.
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Not a fan of sprays? Try Proven Picaridin Lotion. Like the Proven pump spray, the unscented lotion is truly odorless. The “mild scent” lotion smells so good that I would use it as regular lotion if I didn’t know it was insect repellent!
This lotion uses the same 20% picaridin formula as the Proven pump spray. Conveniently sized, these bottles would be easy to carry, and the smallest bottle is even suitable for air travel.
Personally, I think the lotion is better for hiking and backpacking because it absorbs into the skin better. I feel like I’m less likely to sweat on hot, active days.
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For an extremely compact insect repellent, try wipes. I like Ben’s 30% DEET wipes because I know they are effective and easy to take anywhere. You can easily take bug wipes on planes, throw a few in your day bag in case of an unexpected buggy, and equip yourself with a lightweight repellent for multi-day outdoor excursions. On Amazon, you can get four packs of 12 wipes.
The wipes are also perfect if you don’t like spraying or rubbing lotion on your skin: instead of rubbing dirt into your skin while applying a spray, these wipes actually clean your skin while adding protection against bugs . Wipes also make it easier to protect your skin while avoiding damaging your clothes. (At higher concentrations, DEET may leave marks on some fabrics.)
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Natrapel strikes again with picaridin anti-insect wipes. The formula contains 20% picaridin and is nearly odorless with protection for up to 12 hours. These wipes are slightly gentler than the Ben’s wipes above, but still wipe away dirt effectively.
Like Ben’s wipes, these are extremely portable and can fit in just about any type of bag you plan to carry. It’s win-win everywhere.
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