In his review From the 2023 Apple Mac Studio edition, Brenda Stolyar called the power of the size of a pint “The Goldilocks Mac” – suggesting its performance and price combination was almost perfect for power users, at least those who do not need the Mac Pro bleeding performance.
Today, Apple aims to maintain this verdict, improving the device to follow the times and release the studio again in two versions, one of which should be ideal for any creation.
The Mac 2025 studio can be configured either with the new M4 Max CPU or with the M3 Ultra. This may seem counter-intuitive, but the M3 Ultra version is actually the most premium of the two SKUs, and by a significant margin; The ultra design family has been described as merging two max processors that the computer is for a single chip. There is not yet an ultra M4 CPU, so ultra-powerful users rather obtain the equivalent of a pair of M3 Max processors. It is not a consolation price. Most benchmarks in mind for the moment, Apple invoices the new Mac studio as “the most powerful Mac ever made”.
Christopher Null
Like its predecessors, the Mac Studio is a device the size of a lunch box that is not at all like being the most powerful Mac ever made, but rather as something that should work a very good stereo system. But the looks are of course deceived, and inside the sealed box, you will find a lot of punch, designed with creators firmly in mind. I tested the M4 Max MAX version, which includes a 14 -core processor, a 32 core GPU and a 16 -core neural engine, plus 36 GB of unified memory and an SSD of 512 GB for $ 1,999. This latest specification seems a little stingy in today’s climate, but it can be upgraded (only purchase) on the M4 Max model up to 8 TB of SSD storage.
For comparison, the ultra version of $ 3,999 M3 begins with a processor of 28 cores, a GPU with 60 cores and a neural engine of 32 cores, plus 96 GB of unified memory and an SSD of 1 TB. Maximized with a GPU of 80 cores, 512 GB of RAM and an SSD of 16 to, your price will reach a fee of 14,099 $. The most powerful Mac ever made could well equip the most expensive Mac ever sold.
It may be without saying that the machine is rapidly foundation, to the point where it is difficult to transmit its power with precision in the text. The Apple MacBook Pro, based in M4, which I examined last fall, probably provides the best comparison I can offer, since it is only a step on the M4 Max processor scale.