G2, best known for its esports and entertainment content, announced this week the launch of its own new media house called 62 (pronounced “six-two”, according to the agency). According to its own description, the mission of the new agency is to help the brands connect with the community of players by offering tools and content for rent. He also plans to extend beyond the game, with Mathieu Lacrouts, formerly of the Média Hurrah agency, at the head of the Maison des Média.
According to the organization, the objective of 62 is to help brands create authentic links with players, through creative advertising and content production. It also plans to extend 62 above the game to a wider entertainment sector. G2 himself is currently famous for his 10th anniversary and plans to announce more news and content throughout the year.
Lacrouts said in a press release: “Innovation is at the forefront of everything G2 does, and our goal with 62 is parallel to it, working with brands to create new and authentic experiences for fans of the entertainment space. Whether it’s video games, esports or broader entertainment such as music and sport, we understand what fans and brands deserve, and the campaigns that we are always aiming to raise brands in the ‘space and surprise and delight fans.
Sabrina Ratih, COO of G2, added in a separate press release: “E-Sport has never been only a question of competition for us at G2, we know that it is the future of entertainment. Being able to create passionate content that captivates viewers and triggers real emotions is what we are looking for, and we are delighted to develop this vision further than ever with our new agency 62. With Mathieu at the helm, 62 is between D ‘Excellent hands. To help brands create the type of authentic content that G2 has mastered art over the past decade.