If you’ve never heard of L-Théanine, you are not alone. Unless you are looking for relaxation supplements or pre-training ingredients, you may not know this less known amino acid.
Found in green tea, L-theanine is supposed to help promote relaxation and Support the quality of sleep. But it can also help you get excellent training. *
This may look like a contradiction – how can an additional additional additional amount improve sports performance?
There is a simple explanation and supported by science: when it is combined with caffeine, research suggests that L-theanine can help improve performance and concentration And help compensate for some of the negative feelings that some may feel from a caffeinated pre-training supplement. *
Do you want to know more about L-Théanine and how can it help your training and lead to a better night’s rest? We have compiled information on the need and the main advantages of this soothing supplement.
Why do people use L-Théanine?
“People take L-Théanine for various reasons, most of which revolve around a calm and alert mental state,” explains Paul Falcone, principal scientist at Bodi.
Because it promotes relaxation, L-Théanine is often in products that claim to help reduce your feelings of stress or help you fall asleep without letting you sleep or groggy.
Bodi sleep supplement Last thing Includes a mixture of ingredients – including L -Théanine – to help promote feelings of calm and balance and provide a deeper and more restorative night of rest. *
Research also suggests L-theanine and caffeine have a beneficial effect When combined. L-Théanine can counter some of the less pleasant effects of caffeine, so you can increase concentration and delay fatigue without feeling too amplified. *
What are the advantages of L-Theanine?
L-Théanine can be used for various reasons. Here are some of its potential advantages.
1. can help promote a relaxed state of mind
L-Théanine can help people make a relaxed state of mindAnd research suggests that he can also have a Beneficial impact on daily stress. In a 2017 studyParticipants taking the L-Theanine auto-declaced less tension and the improvement of calm.
The-theanine works by blocking an excitatory substance called glutamic acid and Increase in alpha waveswhich is in correlation with a relaxed and concentrated state of mind, says James GreenblattMD, an integrative psychiatrist in Waltham, MA, and author of Integrative medicine for depression.
2. can help benefit the quality of sleep
L -Théanine can help promote the right state of mind for sleep – but because it increases activity in the alpha frequency band in your brain, that should not leave you Feel somnant.
One of the main reasons why people may find it difficult to fall asleep is due to temporary feelings of anxiety – they cannot turn away, says Falcone. L-Théanine seems to help calm these anxious thoughts, helping to relax the mind, which can allow people to fall asleep naturally.
In a 2019 studyPeople who took L-Théanine reported greater sleep satisfaction after eight weeks than people who took a placebo.
3. Can help support Focus
“L-Théanine helps the body to adapt to the effects of stress,” explains Falcone. “Exercise is a stressor, and L-Theanine can help us have a clearer and more concentrated state of mind.”
In a randomized placebo, controlled by placebo Study in 201930 participants received 200 mg of L-Théanine or a placebo daily for four weeks. Those who took L-Théanine brought in better sleep quality and improved the performance of cognitive tasks compared to the placebo group.
Those who combined L-theanine with caffeine also reported Improvement of vigilance and better performance on attention change tasks.
4. Can support the advantages of caffeine
Studies have shown that the advantages of caffeine on concentration and attention are maintained and supported by adding L-theanine, says Falcone.
In a study Published in the journal NeuropharmacologyParticipants who took 50 mg of caffeine and 100 mg of L-Theanine made fewer mistakes during the execution of a task than a group that took a placebo.
And a 2018 study noted that taking 200 mg of L-Theanine and 160 mg of caffeine improved the concentration of participants better than placebo or a single supplement.
What is the ideal amount of lthiche?
Research suggests that between 200 mg and 400 mg From L-Théanine per day is the ideal amount to help promote a relaxed state of mind, even among people exposed to stressful situations.
Greenblatt notes that you can choose to divide your portions of L -Théanine – for example, completing around 200 mg twice a day rather than a single supplement of 400 mg.
Keep in mind that the effects may not be instant for everyone. “While most people have advantages in a few days, for some, the effects seem to occur more slowly,” adds Greenblatt. This can take up to a full month to feel the effects – but over time, you will probably start to notice the positive impact on your mental concentration and your performance.
* These declarations were not evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent a disease.
The message of the way L-theanine can improve training performance and sleep quality appeared first on Bodi.