The founder and CEO of Fintech Klarna, linked to the IPO, went to X to explain again why his company abandoned the product CRM flagship of Salesforce about a year ago in favor of his own local AI system.
But this time, Sebastian Siemiatkowski stressed that he does not think that others will follow – or should – will follow his example. “I don’t think it’s the end of Salesforce; could be the opposite, ” He wrote.
The news that Klarna had developed her own internal AI system based on the Openai chatpt which allowed her to lower her contract for Salesforce CRM became viral in September. It came after Siemiatkowski spoke about it for a day of investors, explaining that the project led to replacing 700 full -time contract Employees and an economy of around $ 40 million a year.
The founder and CEO of Salesforce, Marc Benioff, then expressed skepticism as to the way in which Klarna manages his customer data exactly and meets his compliance needs. “Suddenly, @benioff was asked on stage why Klarna left Salesforce. I was extremely embarrassed, ”wrote Siemiatkowski.
Therefore, while the news circulates that the The company could become public next month – which means that Klarna’s confidential financial information should be made public soon – Siemiatkowski clarifies.
As Fintech in a highly regulated industry, he does not want the public to think that Klarna downloads all of his customers in Openai. Instead, he said on Monday that the project involved taking the data stored in the many SaaS systems that Klarna used – including Salesforce – and consolidating on his own internal technological battery.
Although Siemiatkowski did not detail exactly where Klarna moved all this data, he appointed the Swedish company NEO4J and its graphic database as a product that Klarna uses.
“So no, we did not replace the SaaS with an LLM, and the storage of CRM data in an LLM would have its limits. But we have developed an internal technological battery, using NEO4J and other things, to start gathering data = knowledge, “he wrote.
“We allowed our internal AI to use this knowledge, and we made with the help of @cursor_ai, we could quickly deploy new interfaces and interactions with it,” he explained.
This is the last iteration of an old debate with regard to company software: building in relation to buying it.
Siemiatkowski does not think that most companies choose to create their own new generation AI software.
But he still thinks that the Saa industry is moving towards a major consolidation. “Will all companies do Klarna doing?” I doubt it. On the contrary, it is much more likely that we will see less SaaS consolidate the market, and they will do what we do and offer it to others, “he wrote.