In the wake of the separation of the personality of the game, Dr. Diags of respect, Midnight closed its doors and killed the first -person shooting game Dead Drop.
The studio’s fortune took a turn for the worst when the co -founder and popular streamer Dr. Dr. Diselt was accused in the summer of 2024 by a former Twitch employee that Dr. Diagspect had had sexually explicit conversations with a minor on a minor The direct part of Twitch messaging – which would have been the reason why it was prohibited on Twitch four years earlier in 2020. At the time, Twitch would say that this was due to a violation of community standards.
Dr. Inspect, whose real name is Guy Beahm, continued Twitch and settled with the company in 2022. But more in history began to go out in 2024.
“Listen, I am obviously linked to the legal obligations of the regulation with Twitch, but I just need to say what I can say because it is the fucking internet,” Dr. Diaponspect said at the time in mid-2010. “I did not hurt anything, all of this was surveyed and settled, nothing illegal, no reprehensible act was found, and I was paid.”
But in June 2024, Midnight Society separated from Dr. Dr. Cream after learning more detailed allegations that he had inappropriate conversations with a minor at Twitch. The company said that it had started to speak with parties involved and then announced: “We immediately put our relationship with Guy Beahm. Although these facts are difficult to hear and even more difficult to accept, it is our duty to act with dignity in the name of all those involved, in particular the fifty-five developers and the families we have used with our community players. »»
DR DIAGS of respect Continue to broadcast on YouTube.
Here is the full declaration of the Twiiter Midnight Society.