What is “Star Trek” in 2025?
That’s the question fans will surely be asking themselves after they finish watching “Star Trek: Section 31,” the new movie from Paramount+ that literally takes the iconic sci-fi franchise places it’s never gone before. Set beyond the confines of the Federation, and with virtually no Starfleet characters, this is a corner of the Trek universe rarely explored on screen – seedy, lawless, violent and joyfully free of ” ethics” and “utopian ideals”. ” that the films and shows of Gene Roddenberry’s milieu so commonly rely on. “Star Trek” always acknowledged that the galaxy could be just as bad, but it generally presented it through the eyes and ideals of leaders , loyal scientists and diplomats But in “Section 31”, the universe is not saved by brave people who do the right thing, but by violent, evil assholes who know how to punch, stab and shoot. to make a way through a bad situation.
So, again, is it “Star Trek” if it takes place in the Star Trek universe, but deliberately avoids the typical elements that define “Star Trek” for so many people? That’s the question I imagine “Section 31” will ignite fans with, and a conversation that’s certainly worth having. But on its own, “Section 31” certainly delivers a specific set of goods: It’s a hugely entertaining slice of B-movie action trash, which has the distinct whiff of “Gerard Butler in January,” and which certainly doesn’t look like anything. others we’ve already seen carry the Trek name. It’s goofy and silly and sometimes very ridiculous, but there’s no denying the simple fun of it all.
Star Trek enters the B-movie era
Technically a recently completed “Star Trek: Discovery” spinoff (and largely directed by “Disco” veterans, including writer Craig Sweeny and director Olatunde Osunsanmi), “Section 31” places one of the series’ nastiest and most unpredictable characters. Trek history at the center of the action. Michelle Yeoh’s Philippa Georgiou, the bloodthirsty tyrant and warlord from the infamous “Mirror Universe” who is now stranded in the main Trek universe, is once again recruited by Section 31 (aka the Operations Division Starfleet blacks with a CIA flavor) to embark on a serious mission. importance. Joined by a motley crew of dangerous, deranged weirdos (and a Starfleet overseer), she must, you know, save the galaxy. But this team doesn’t have to worry about things that might trouble Picard and Spock. Like morality.
It’s clear that “Section 31” is designed to appeal to action fans beyond Trek’s core audience, and the initial setup screams “Mission: Impossible” or “Fast & Furious,” but the streaming budget and The general sense of horror that permeates the whole thing is more reminiscent of junk B-movies like “Den of Thieves.” And frankly, it’s okay. “Star Trek” is at its purest when it’s smaller, weirder and weirder, and although “Section 31” ostensibly tries to be the coolest thing in the room, it’s actually pretty silly, relying as much on cheesy franchise details as it does for sword fights, phaser fights, and Michelle Yeoh kicking guys in the face. And that’s how it should be: “Star Trek” that isn’t stupid isn’t “Star Trek” at all.
And honestly, “cheesy B-movie sleaze” is a flavor of Trek that we’ve never seen before, and one that I appreciated more and more as the film’s lightning pace carried me from set piece to set piece. the other.
A cast of Star Trek scoundrels to die for
As expected, “Section 31” is Michelle Yeoh’s show, and she wears Georgiou like a spiky, vampy, blood-soaked glove at this point. You either enjoy watching Yeoh strut, kick, and smirk through the action scenes, or you have no taste. Perhaps the most pleasant surprise of “Section 31” is that she’s surrounded by a cast of new characters who demand the same attention. Omari Hardwick provides a solid foundation as the team’s resident “normal guy”, although his story is unusual enough to raise eyebrows if you know your Trek history. Kacey Rohl is a delight as Starfleet representative Rachel Garrett (fans may recognize the name), whose “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” descent to the level of her colleagues provides some of the biggest in the film. laughter. And no one understands the mission like Sam Richardson, whose shapeshifting, immoral scientist is booed in almost every scene. The best thing I can say about this team of dirtbags is that I would happily watch them in another adventure, and the film has no qualms about leaving room for a sequel.
Still, the whole project has the distinct flavor of a “backdoor pilot,” which makes sense since “Section 31” was originally intended to be a streaming series before moving to the modern movie equivalent directly on video. You can frequently see the action scenes pushing the limits of its low budget, although Osunsanmi does his best to let the crazy action run as loud as possible, even if the visual effects budget can’t quite keep up. follows. In this case, I realized that the film would rather look cheap than polished if it meant that some of the more outrageous action beats could come to fruition. Trek fans accustomed to the polish of “Strange New Worlds” may be surprised, but the immediate low price of “Section 31” is truly a badge of honor – like the original series in the ’60s, “Section 31.” “always lets your goals exceed your budget.
Star Trek: Section 31 and the question of what defines Star Trek
So this brings us back to the question that opened this review. What is “Star Trek” in 2025, and does something as different as “Section 31” qualify as “Star Trek”? While it’s certainly not my ideal flavor of Trek, and one I’d hate to see become the default tone, this is a franchise built on multitudes. If “The Next Generation” could sandwich complex stories of ethics and scientific thought around wacky hours where the crew is transported into the story of Robin Hood by a godlike alien with a bad sense of humor, Trek is surely allowed to go into trashy action mode. for a TV movie. Any rewatch of the original series reminds us that “Star Trek,” for all its lofty ideals, is built on a gleeful, shaky foundation of outrageous garbage. The beauty of “Star Trek” is that it’s a little, sort of Alland we will discuss the nature of it all until the sun goes out.
So here I am, giving “Star Trek: Section 31” my recommendation, knowing that it’s going to turn off a lot of Trek fans who want this franchise to be exclusive hard, classy sci-fi, and also knowing that its silly side inherent and reliance on deep Trek references could alienate those looking for a good time with mindless action. What is “Star Trek” in 2025? It’s something specific, strange, and alienating enough that it won’t be for everyone. And that’s “article 31.”
/Film rating: 7 out of 10
“Star Trek: Section 31” premieres on Paramount+ starting January 24, 2025.