A handful of nuts is one of the healthiest and most practical snacks. They can be easily pre-portioned in annoyable portions at 100 calories, thrown into a bag, stored in your office at work, sneaking into a cinema room and ate each time the awful monster threatens to strike.
Unlike some crunchy snacks not so nutritions (we look at you, the croustilles), the nuts are rich in protein, in healthy fibers and fat – which all help support a feeling of satiety or fullness. Nuts also have many health benefits, including helping prevent obesity.
But don’t go crazy yet on the nuts. All nut varieties are high in calories, so it is easy to do too much on your crunchy snack in the afternoon. In addition, nuts are often roasted in oil or stifled in salt or sugar, which can considerably increase fat, calories and sodium in each portion and cancel the nutritional advantages they could have. Opt for raw nuts or dry and not salty roasted when trying to choose the healthiest snack.
To help you recognize what a healthy part of the nuts looks like and avoid consuming more calories than expected, we have created this practical visual guide that shows what 100 calories of different types of nuts look like.
ALL RIGHT, NOW You can go crazy!
How many nuts are 100 calories?
8 nuts in walnuts = 105 calories
How many almonds is 100 calories?
How many cashews is 100 calories?
How many pistachios is 100 calories?
How many macadamias are 100 calories?
How many pacans are 100 calories?
10 Pacan halves = 103 calories
How many pine nuts are 100 calories?
How many nuts in Brazil is 100 calories?
3 nuts in Brazil = 99 calories