By Chris Snellgrove | Published
If you are a fan of Star Trek: Deep Space NineSo you know that the series had a first rocky season, but the episode “Duet” highlighted the full potential of the show. It was an episode where we learned more about the atrocities of the Cardassians against the Bajorans and more on the way Kira sailed from her transition from Freedom Fighter to a military official. What the most New deep space fans don’t do it Knowing this episode, however, is that it was directly inspired by Man in the glass cabinA famous play by Robert Shaw.
Man in the glass cabin

If you have never seen the 1967 play, Man in the glass cabin Speaks of a Jewish man who is arrested by the Israeli authorities to be a Nazi war criminal. The trial against him seems to go well until the surprise reveals that he deliberately changed the medical files to usurp his former Nazi executioner. In the New deep space Episode “Duet”, we obtain an equally shocking revelation when a Cardassian poses as a major war criminal turns out to be a official of the minor government who modified his own files in the hope that his prosecution would highlight the brutality that the Cardassians inflicted on the Bajorans.
Originally, the story was presented to New deep space The showrunner Michael is piloting by two of his trainees, and they had a very different idea of what should look like. They designed an episode in which the Cardassian was A war criminal and that Kira would be placed in the uninvable position to defend him. There was obvious dramatic potential in such a premise, but looting did not like the initial idea because he thought it was too much Judgment in NurembergA 1961 film that has just been the future Star Trek William Shatner icon.
According to Piller, it was New deep space The producer and future showrunner i will go Steven Behr who “gave us the torsion that gave it Man in the glass cabin A little feel, where the guy is not what he says he is but the fact for more noble reasons. This twist made the premise of the episode were fresh because we have rarely been able to see Cardassians who seemed full of remorse on their war crimes against the Bajorans. We were also able to see Kira’s own perceptions evolving while she stopped seeing the accused like another enemy and began to see him as someone with surprising quantities of depth of compassion.

While Man in the glass cabin is a classic play that has been adapted to an equally classic film, you might say that New deep space Improves its formula with “duo”. In a somewhat frustrating way, the previous story never explains exactly why his Jewish protagonist would do everything possible to be taken and tried like his Nazi executioner. In “Duet”, we know that the Cardassian imitating a war criminal has a just cause … namely, spreading the galactic conscience of the perverse actions of his people when he helped to close the Bajoran people.
We are great believers that New deep space is the best star trek show, and “duet” remains one of its most amazing episodes. He is fleshy, filled with monologues and expands the world of franchise while giving us an overview of the interior depths of Kira, one of the most convincing characters in the series. Looking back, however, it’s quite sober to realize that without Robert Shaw Man in the glass cabinDS9’s first masterpiece may never have reached the tunes at all.