A vehicle went to a crowd of people in the city of Mannheim west west of Mannheim, killing at least one person and leaving others seriously injured, police said. City police said that an operation was underway in the region and urged people to avoid the center of Mannheim.
The incident came as the crowds gathered in Germany cities for parades to mark the Christian carnival season, and witnesses said that the incident had performed near one of these events. The kick came to what the German Christians mark as Rose on Monday,, The highest point of their carnival season which takes place on Monday Shrove, before the start of the Lent period on the ash Wednesday.
In affirmations Published on social networks, the police have confirmed an operation underway after “a car went to a group of people in the city center of Mannheim”, adding that, according to preliminary information, “a person was killed and several people were injured”.
“No information can still be given on the number and severity of injuries. As part of the search measures that were immediately launched, a suspect was identified and arrested,” said the police, stressing that there was no “reliable” information to share.
Dieter LEDDER / Picture Alliance / Getty
An eyewitness on the premises told Reuters that they had seen several people on the ground, two of whom the doctors seemed to try to resuscitate.
The local media, citing witnesses, said that some had seen a black SUV campaign at high speed from an area where a parade took place, hitting people and leaving several seriously injured.
This story of rupture will be updated.