Canada does not agree with the suggestion of American president Donald Trump that Russia joins the G7 – but Moscow says that the idea is a non -start anyway.
The Moscow ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov said that “Russia has no interest” to join the group of seven, which he calls an “obsolete structure”.
Russia was part of what was known as the group of eight until other members suspended it in 2014 after the invasion of Ukraine.

Trump says it was a mistake and says that the current war could have been prevented if Russia had kept its members, which, according to him, should now be restored.
Canada chairs the G7 this year and that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mélanie Joly, said this weekend that Canada is firmly opposed to the reinstatement of Russia in the group.
She spoke after the conservative chief Pierre Hairy and the liberal leadership candidate Chrystia Freeland, both rejected the idea.
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