The following contains heavy spoilers For season 2 of “silo”.
“Silo” is one of the best science fiction shows of the last decade, one with a convincing mystery and an exquisite world construction which feels similar to the constant translation drops and the twists and turns of “Attack on Titan”.
The show takes place in a dystopian future where most of the world has been destroyed and humanity has collapsed. The only remains of civilization live in an underground silo of hundreds of levels of depth. The show deals with the simple idea of knowledge and the difficulty of killing human curiosity, regardless of the amount of regulations for the best to keep the population under control. At the end of the first season, the former engineer now Sheriff, Juliette Nichols (Rebecca Ferguson) left her silo (a death sentence) and managed to survive his outdoor walk, finally finding another silo nearby.
Season 2, which cemented the “silo” as one of the best shows on Appletv +, and the reason sufficient to subscribe to this platform, concerns Juliette discovering that the new silo she met had been annihilated when people revolted and tried to leave for the surface. Back home, however, the revolution is preparing and the analyst of computer systems Lukas Kyle (AVI Nash) begins to discover the secret past of their own silo, until he learned the horrible security protocol known as the safeguard procedure.
Although the final of season 2 of “silo” has already done a fairly large job explaining what is the safeguard procedure, some people have the inexplicable hobby to simply spoil themselves in television shows. Whether you are looking at the show with your eyes closed, or you were going to the toilet when they explained what this security protocol is, don’t worry. Here is your practical guide on the backup procedure in “Silo”.
What is the backup procedure in Silo?
In the penultimate episode of “Silo” season 2, Lukas Kyle plunges to the bottom of the silo and finds a mysterious tunnel – Juliette’s same boyfriend, George (Ferdinand Kingsley) was considering before his death during the first season. The tunnel leads to a door which is kept by a consonance voice of the AI which talks about the safeguard procedure which is in place if someone dares to cross this door or speak to anyone what they found there.
The safeguarding procedure is essentially an emergency plan in case the silo revolts, and it allows an invisible entity to kill each person in the silo via a hose full of poison which is distributed through the vents. This is a last effort to prevent residents of a silo from escaping and alerting the other silos of their existence.
When Lukas learns about this in the final of season 2, it destroys his vision of the world realizes that it does not matter to what extent the people of the silo are fighting or how they try to free themselves or learn the truth. They have always been and will always be a button to die of horrible dead. The fate of the people of silos has always been out of their hands.
When was the backup procedure used for the last time?
At the same time as Lukas learns on the safeguarding procedure in Silo 18, Juliete on Silo 17 hears solo (played by Steve Zahn, the best part of “the war for the planet of the apes”) that his parents knew the procedure that poured out a poison of a vent.
It turns out that Silo 17 had been the victim of the safeguard procedure when he tried to revolt. It started when a man wrote “lies” on the outdoor camera when he left the silo to clean, which made everyone believe in the silo he was sure to go out. It prompted a revolution that led everyone to decide to leave their silo – and die trying.
This is the knot of the season, because Juliette – knowing that everyone on Silo 18 died when he wins hoped that someone could survive outside like her – realizes that Silo 17 is about to undergo the same fate as Silo 18. Indeed, a large part of the history of the season is the finesse of the miraculous silo of Juliette, which saves a rebellion which has been rebellious
Can the safeguard procedure be stopped?
We do not know for sure if the safeguard procedure can be stopped, but it seems that it can. While speaking to Juliette, Solo remembers the day her silo died and the way her parents discovered the safeguard procedure and managed to find a way to stop him. According to Solo, his parents simply put a cap on the vent, preventing the procedure from killing everyone.
In addition, it seems that the people of Silo 17 managed to go out and not to die – at least not at the beginning. Whatever the parents of Solo, he managed to make sure to go out. This opens a whole box of worms that “silo” must explore season 3. So far, we have been led to believe that the mere solid fact in the series of the series was that the surface was radioactive or toxic, and that no one could survive there. If the poison of the safeguard procedure can have an impact, whether it is sure to go out or not, does it mean that it is something from the interior of the silos that kills people when they leave for the surface? If this is the case and it can be stopped, we are in a big calculation in season 3 of this Stephen King certified show.