By Chris Snellgrove | Published
It is impossible to overestimate how influential the monsters in the universal film are. Not only did they pass the pioneer to the shared cinematographic universe, but these wicked greatest than life made horror films. Since then, these monsters have been brought back by a certain number of directors, but their films are generally below emblematic originals. Fortunately, an animated film paired legendary film monsters and legendary voice actors in a family comedy package: Transylvania hotelthat you can now broadcast on Netflix.
Hotel Transylvania on Netflix

If you have never seen Transylvania hotel (No children or younger sisters and sisters, huh?), This is what to expect this cartoon classic on Netflix. The intrigue concerns Dracula and his Transylvania hotel, where he invited the most famous monsters to celebrate his daughter’s birthday. But the famous vamp must rush to hide the unexpected presence of a human in his hotel before being able to meet monsters or, even worse, his human-cytor daughter.
Transylvania hotel Is worth many reasons, including better distribution than most Netflix films. Adam Sandler (probably better known for The waterboy And The wedding singer) Play Dracula, giving the famous account of the Cantansers of the personality of the oldest parent of helicopter in the world. And her daughter is played by Selena Gomez (better known as an actor for spring breakers And, more recently, the film nominated at the Oscars Emilia Pérez).
Still not convinced that Transylvania hotel Is it worth shooting the next time you need a small Netflix correction? The film also presents the voice of our favorite Lonely Island boy Andy Samberg (better known for Saturday Night Live And Brooklyn Neuf-Neuf). The other great celebrities voices include Steve Buscemi, Fran Drescher, Ceelo Green, David Spade and many others

Animated films are often a Hollywood bet. Fortunately, Transylvania hotel makes a murder At the box office long before landing on Netflix. Against a budget of $ 85 million, this film managed to win 358.4 million dollars. It was enough profit for Greenlight a sequel, and the franchise now includes four films and a television program, with another which will be released later this year.
Unfortunately, Transylvania hotel failed to launch his charms (vampiric or other) on criticism. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film has a critical score of 45% fairly lamentable. In general, criticisms have seized that the film is enough entertaining for children, but can have too much noise and not enough history to please adults.
So it’s time to answer your big burning question: why the hell should you watch Transylvania hotel On Netflix, after criticisms led such a clear game through his heart? On the one hand, the film actually has a much higher 72% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. This, with the fact that he has become an incredibly successful deductible, is proof that the public loves this film plot More than criticism.

In addition, Transylvania hotel is a real treat for all those who love old universal monsters and vintage horror. The film is a perfect love letter to these classic characters, and its accent on comedy rather than the horror means that the director and guru of animation Genndy Tartakovsky can do new fascinating things with these characters rather than Simply review the scary fear of yesteryear. And who does not want to combine comedy with classical horror?
It brings me to the last reason you should extend Transylvania hotel On Netflix: It’s really funny whether you are young or just young at heart. Each actor is hilarious alone and just irregularly Funny as part of this closely written overall film. As the credits are driving, you will probably regret having to discover this hotel so early and will probably bother you to broadcast the consequences.

Do you want to find Transylvania hotel On Netflix as good as me, or is this monster puree that you would like to cut? You will not discover it before spreading it for yourself. Love it or hate it, however, this animated classic will completely change the way you see the most loved demons of horror.