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Director Sam Raimi and actor Bruce Campbell worked together on four film and television projects “Evil Dead”. I do not need to repeat “The Evil Dead” and “Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn”, as cultists know them well. However, something happened after Raimi and Campbell did “Army of Darkness” in 1992, finishing the Ash arc in the process. This film was distributed by Universal, which positioned it to win an audience crossed. Unfortunately, however, it did not succeed in the box office, but has become a huge cult success. He was deeply loved by many, finally reaching the same canonized status as his immediate ancestor.
In his autobiography “If the mentons could kill,” Campbell established the difference between a “cult film” and a “blockbuster”. A blockbuster is a million people who see a film 10 times, and a cult film is 10 people who see a film a million times. It seems that the shallow nature of cult films was a little discouraging for Campbell, especially after “Army of Darkness” has failed to break through. Campbell understood that he was well known, but he has always been frank on the way in which cult celebrity is very different from the dominant celebrity. He had to start asking fans to call him “ASH”.
For years after “Army of Darkness”, Campbell would appear in horror conventions and gatherings of worship fans, repulsive questions on “Evil Dead 4.” He was asked so often if he would come back to play ASH, Campbell began to develop responses in stock. (“I’m too old for that!”) Finally, he and Raimi rewritten the television series “ASH against Evil Dead” … in 2015. This series lasted three years, and that seemed to be the last final word on Ash. Are you happy now?
Campbell has since declared that he would indeed come back to play Ash once again and listed his stipulation for such an event in an interview with Fangoria. Sam Raimi, he said, should come back to the bar.
Campbell will only play Ash again if Sam Raimi directs
Campbell’s comments came in the wake of two other “Evil Dead” films. There was an appropriate remake of Raimi’s original, produced by Fede Álvarez, released in 2013, followed by a mainly autonomous entry, “Evil Dead Rise” by Lee Cronin, in 2023. Apart from a short cameo after these 2013 films “Evil Dead” 2013, Campbell only served as a producer on these films. “Ash against Evil Dead” must have been the last time he would play Ash.
Now, however, Campbell is in mind that if Raimi is broken, he is down. Only Raimi, he believes, understands how to properly direct Campbell in Ash. The actor also admitted that another director would probably make him lose his composure, while Raimi would make him lose his composure … in the right direction. To quote Campbell directly:
“If Sam says: ‘Me, Sam Raimi, I will direct another’Bad death ‘ The film, ‘So me, Bruce Campbell, I will plan to take care of it. I don’t want to be ash, treated by other people. Sam is the wisest director I have ever worked with, and Ash needs a little of that to shine. And I think Sam is the only director now that I don’t hit the face by doing a ‘Bad death ‘ movie! I just say, I called [longtime ‘Evil Dead’ producer] Fly [Tapert] And Sam released, I’m not the coward they think I’m; I just want the right circumstances. “”
Campbell then joked by saying that Raimi, who began to direct major superproductions in the 21st century, is still a good director, in fact. Since 2000, of course, Raimi has called The Shots on the Marvel Cinematic Universe Film “Doctor Strange in the Multaveve of Madness” and the Disney Tentpole “Oz the Great and Powerful”, in addition to a very successful “Spider-Man” film with Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker. Raimi, however, came to focus more on production than the realization since the production of “ASH vs. Evil Dead” and has not shown much interest in directing another film “Evil Dead”. Time will tell us.
Anyway, do not call Campbell “Ash”.