Sylvester Stallone played in superb films, but like any Hollywood pillar, he was also in a few stinks. Once, Arnold Schwarzenegger in fact crossed Stallone in a major flop, so it is fair to say that the star “Rocky” has made doubtful career. In this spirit, one might think that he would jump at the opportunity to work with an acclaimed director like Quentin Tarantino, whose films often lead their stars. However, the veteran of “Rambo” was not interested in teaming up with the filmmaker when roles have been offered to him in the past.
While talking to McClean In 2012, Stallone revealed that he had refused the roles of Louis Gara and “Stuntman” Mike McKay in “Jackie Brown” and “Death Proof”, respectively. He also noted that this last project was not known with him at the time, because he did not want to play a serial killer hated like the stuntman Mike. Here is what Stallone had to say about the question:
“THE [Robert] Part of Niro [of Louis Gara] In “Jackie Brown”. And “Grindhouse”, the Kurt Russell part made [in ‘Death Proof’] – I said, “There is no way. I have two daughters, and this scholarship holder, his hobby is to put teenagers in his car and crush them in a wall. It will not work. ‘”
Fortunately, for Tarantino (as the actor pointed out), the Co-Star of “Tango and Cash” from Stallone, Kurt Russell, jumped at the opportunity to play Mike stuntman in “Death Proof”, and the rest belongs to history. That said, while Tarantino tried to hire Stallone in the past, the latter have closed rumors about him offered a role in another of the director’s films.
Rumors on the contrary, Stallone was not almost thrown into pulp fiction
A long -standing rumor said Sylvester Stallone was in the running to play Butch Coolidge in “Pulp Fiction”. Indeed, if we consider that the actor is synonymous with the “rocky” franchise, the notion of playing a stranded boxer does not seem eccentric. However, the role in question finally went to Bruce Willis, even if it could have gone to Stallone … if he had been offered to him in the first place, that is to say.
During a conversation with The Hollywood Reporter In 2022, Stallone confirmed that Tarantino never approached him about “Pulp Fiction” while commenting on other rumors on the projects he would have refused. “”[I wasn’t offered] “Arthur” and “Pulp Fiction”, he explained. “The witness killed me. Also, “get home”. But I couldn’t have done it better than Jon Voight, he was great [in that film]. [But passing on] The “witness” was a mistake. “”
As it stands, time is exhausted for Stallone and Tarantino to work together. Tarantino had previously expressed his interest in making a film “Rambo” one day, but he does not want to launch Stallone as the titular army in one man. Tarantino’s next film is also (supposedly) which is the last, which only makes the probability that the pair is associated – unless Stallone is offered a role that he simply cannot refuse.