Providing that no intellectual property is immune to the culture of modern restarting, Atari Burst is back. The next version of the 1976 simple brick brought the 90 degree playground and adds automatic scrolling, neon effects, power-ups and a local cooperative. In other words, Unleashing beyond is the Tetris effect Formula applied to the classic Arcade of the Zeppelin LED era.
The original Burst was the product of material from the 1970s radically more limited, but its simplicity was part of its magic. Rows of bricks were seated at the top, a paddle controlled by players lived below and a “ball” (in fact a square, thanks to the graphics of the 70s) bounced between the two. Move the paddle, hit the ball, Smash Bricks, Wow of the Arcaders carrying Belbottoms.
The main formula – Move a paddle to bounce projectiles against the bricks – remains intact Unleashing beyond. But the perspective of the game landscape, although better suited to today’s televisions and monitors, can be difficult for old -fashioned players. Ditto for automatic scrolling, because this version goes to the left towards a lens rather than simply forcing you to break all the bricks on a fixed screen.
Visually, the ball of the new version looks more like a comet, with a long neon queon that stops behind its round head. The effects inducing crises abound. And there are several bullets to face, not just one. (However, Super breakoutThe direct suite of the original game had two modes with additional balls.)
As Tetris effect,, Unleashing beyond Presentation of the combos, rewarding you with intensified visual and sound effects to chain broken brick flows. You can also break special blocks that unlock power-ups: bombs that eliminate a defined radius, a force field to protect the ball and a bizarre laser cannon that allows you to explode bricks, to the Space invaders.
The game supports the local cooperative with two players so that you can break bricks with a sofa friend. It has 72 levels and an optional development mode which slows down the stop time (to the detriment of higher scores).
Unleashing beyond Will arrive on PC, Switch, Xbox Series X / S and Xbox One, PlayStation 5/4 and the VCS console from Atari on March 25. It costs $ 15, but there is a 10% discount if you pre -order.
Update on February 25, 2025, 10:40 am HE: Update of the title and the last paragraph to reflect the release date and prices.
This article originally appeared on engadget to